Category Agile

Jira: How to Manage More SCRUM Teams For One Backlog

Introduction I often see the question: “How do I manage a product backlog that spans multiple teams / projects in Jira?”.

Why Do I need a QA Engineer?

Introduction Why is a Quality Assurance engineer necessary for development of software? Couldn’t I simply get my developers to QA/review their own work? Could I get get developers to review...

How can I move my difficult development team to Agile?

How can I transition my team to Agile?

Corporations Going Agile

Introduction It’s 2016, and the software industry is booming. Every other day there is a new start-up rearing its head and surprising us with applications we never knew we couldn’t...

Category Scrum VS Scrum Alliance

Introduction Agile methodologies have gained significant traction since the 2000s. Scrum is an Agile methodology that promotes bottom-up leadership by utilizing self-organizing teams, not top-down direction.

How can I move my difficult development team to Agile?

How can I transition my team to Agile?

Category Jira

Show Sum Of Epic Children's Estimates

Introduction It can be useful to see how much effort is required for an Epic based on it’s children but while the functionality to see a sum total is available...

Jira: Auto Update Fields When Specific Comments Are Made

Introduction This post addresses how to recognise when a specific string of text has been added to a Jira comment and then posting the comment into a given field via...

Jira: How to Manage More SCRUM Teams For One Backlog

Introduction I often see the question: “How do I manage a product backlog that spans multiple teams / projects in Jira?”.

Unblock An Issue When The Blocker Is Resolved

Problem Intro Jira allows users to track blocked tasks by ‘linking’ them to their blockers. For example, issue EX-1 may be linked to EX-2 with a ‘blocked by’ link and...

Category Automation

Show Sum Of Epic Children's Estimates

Introduction It can be useful to see how much effort is required for an Epic based on it’s children but while the functionality to see a sum total is available...

Jira: Auto Update Fields When Specific Comments Are Made

Introduction This post addresses how to recognise when a specific string of text has been added to a Jira comment and then posting the comment into a given field via...

Automated Weekly Reporting

The Problem When sending out emails/messaging for multiple projects to various stakeholders you cannot send out a generic template because the report needs to be populated with project/client relevant data....

Unblock An Issue When The Blocker Is Resolved

Problem Intro Jira allows users to track blocked tasks by ‘linking’ them to their blockers. For example, issue EX-1 may be linked to EX-2 with a ‘blocked by’ link and...